Square lattice antiferromagnet
Magnon bands by linear spin wave theory
The following codes could compute the spin wave dispersions of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the square lattice.
using QuantumLattices
using TightBindingApproximation
using SpinWaveTheory
using Plots
lattice = Lattice([0.0, 0.0]; vectors=[[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
cell = Lattice([0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]; vectors=[[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0]])
hilbert = Hilbert(site=>Spin{1//2}() for site=1:length(cell))
J = Heisenberg(:J, 1.0, 1)
magneticstructure = MagneticStructure(
Dict(site=>(iseven(site) ? [0, 0, 1] : [0, 0, -1]) for site=1:length(cell))
antiferromagnet = Algorithm(:SquareAFM, LSWT(lattice, hilbert, J, magneticstructure))
path = ReciprocalPath(reciprocals(lattice), rectangle"Γ-X-M-Γ", length=100)
spectra = antiferromagnet(
path, range(0.0, 2.5, length=251);
fwhm=0.05, rescale=x->log(1+log(1+log(1+x)))
energybands = antiferromagnet(:EB, EnergyBands(path))
plt = plot()
plot!(plt, spectra)
plot!(plt, energybands, color=:white, linestyle=:dash)
Auto-generation of the analytical expression of the Hamiltonian matrix by linear spin wave theory
Combined with SymPy, it is also possible to get the analytical expression of the Hamiltonian in the matrix form obtained by linear wave theory:
using SymPy: Sym, symbols
using QuantumLattices
using SpinWaveTheory
lattice = Lattice(
[zero(Sym), zero(Sym)];
vectors=[[one(Sym), zero(Sym)], [zero(Sym), one(Sym)]]
cell = Lattice(
[zero(Sym), zero(Sym)], [one(Sym), zero(Sym)];
vectors=[[one(Sym), one(Sym)], [one(Sym), -one(Sym)]]
hilbert = Hilbert(site=>Spin{1//2}() for site=1:length(cell))
J = Heisenberg(:J, symbols("J", real=true), 1)
magneticstructure = MagneticStructure(
Dict(site=>(iseven(site) ? [0, 0, 1] : [0, 0, -1]) for site=1:length(cell))
antiferromagnet = LSWT(lattice, hilbert, J, magneticstructure)
k₁ = symbols("k₁", real=true)
k₂ = symbols("k₂", real=true)
m = matrix(antiferromagnet, [k₁, k₂]; infinitesimal=0)
\[\left[\begin{smallmatrix}2 J & 0 & 0 & - \frac{J e^{i \left(- k₁ - k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J e^{i \left(- k₁ + k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J}{2} - \frac{J e^{- 2 i k₁}}{2}\\0 & 2 J & - \frac{J e^{2 i k₁}}{2} - \frac{J e^{i \left(k₁ - k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J e^{i \left(k₁ + k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J}{2} & 0\\0 & - \frac{J}{2} - \frac{J e^{- i \left(k₁ + k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J e^{- i \left(k₁ - k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J e^{- 2 i k₁}}{2} & 2 J & 0\\- \frac{J e^{2 i k₁}}{2} - \frac{J}{2} - \frac{J e^{- i \left(- k₁ + k₂\right)}}{2} - \frac{J e^{- i \left(- k₁ - k₂\right)}}{2} & 0 & 0 & 2 J\end{smallmatrix}\right]\]